Wind Farm Big Data Analysis

As an independent third party, Ventus team of Data Scientists and Engineers understand the raw data of time series, correlations, missing data, by using advanced algorithms and technology we can identify and infer the root cause for underperforming wind turbines. With the right tools and algorithms, we help our clients increase their understanding of their wind farm(s).


Ventus provides report which assist wind farm owners and asset managers to make analytical decisions increasing the performance inside the type approval envelope of their wind farm(s).

Reporting example

  • Time and cost efficient service
  • Our track record shows that 45% of turbines are operating outside the industry standard
  • No downtime on your turbines while doing the servcice
  • Very fast ROI
  • Avoiding additional loads on the turbines
  • Increasing the output through efficiency in performance
  • Observing other operational influences during rotation (cracks, surface wrinkling, delamination, oil leaks etc.)

Ready to discuss your project?

Get in touch with us today!

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