Our Partners

The Ventus Group’s principle is to work with our clients maximising the production and revenue from existing assets to future wind energy investments by reducing risk, maintenance costs and cost of energy.

Wind turbine rotor efficiency is our primary focus, delivering aerodynamic efficient and balanced rotor blades which are the common cause for damaging increased loads and underperforming wind turbines. The Ventus Group offers end to end optimising solutions for wind turbine performance, deploying a multitude of leading edge innovative patented technologies. With our extensive industry experience, products and services we capture measurements, analyse data and compile comprehensive reports.

Founded in 2010, OceanAlpha is the leading Unmanned Surface Vehicles /Autonomous Surface Vehicles company in the world. We have more than 200 engineers and hold 402 pieces of USV related patents.

Today, our products are redefining the way of data acquisition, life-saving, auto-piloting and swam controlling in the marine industry. We're devoted to helping professionals in, for example, water sampling, hydrography survey, patrol & drowning rescue accomplish their work safer, faster, and with greater efficiency than ever before...

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