Subsea System Services

All subsea facilities shall be reliable, cost-effective and retain their integrity throughout the life of the field. The integrity assessment of subsea systems, assets and pipelines is required to ensure that they deliver its full operational capacity through its service life, without affecting surrounding living beings or the environment.

Advantages of Subsea assets and pipeline inspection programmes:

  • Avoid asset failure;
  • Mitigate integrity risks;
  • Minimize unscheduled downtime due to activities such as corrective maintenance and repair;
  • Secure reliable subsea production systems and boost performance;
  • Provide subsides for life extension projects of existing facilities;
  • Enables operator to evaluate and estimate remaining life of the equipment.

Gulf offers subsea inspection and monitoring services below the waterline up to 3,000 metres depth, including:

  • Subsea video and data acquisition;
  • Remote asset integrity inspection;
  • Pipeline inspection;
  • Seabed inspection;
  • Drilling monitoring;
  • Impressed current cathodic protection readings;
  • Cathodic disbondment performance evaluation;
  • Flooded member detection;
  • NDT inspections;
  • Repair and maintenance planning;
  • Life extension support.

Data may be acquired using ROV and AUV combined with interferometric synthetic aperture sonar (SAS), side scan sonar (SSS), multibeam echosounder, sub-bottom profiler, 3D bathymetric laser, high-resolution photo mosaic system, hydrocarbon detectors and magnetometer. AUVs range may vary:

  • Shallow water (up to 100m);
  • 100m to 300m;
  • Up to 1000m;
  • Up to 3000m;
  • Up to 6000m, upon advance request.

Other Services:

Rental of remotely operated vessels and technical equipments.
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Sourcing of high quality equipments and materials.
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One stop service provider for Engineering, Procurement and Construction needs.
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